
研究组长:黄勇平  研究员

黄勇平,博士,19634月出生。研究员、博士生导师。19957月赴日本东京大学从事博士后研究。19984月任日本Ikari环境事业集团主任研究员。曾任亚太地区化学生态学会主席、中国昆虫学会副理事长、上海昆虫学会理事长、中国生态学会化学生态学专业委员会主任委员、Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology杂志(美国)共同责任主编。2008年获得上海市自然科学二等奖。主要在昆虫分子遗传、昆虫功能基因组和害虫的遗传防治方面开展基础与应用研究。在PNASCell ResearchInsect Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJournal of Proteome ResearchBMC GenomicsNature Biotechnology等国际学术杂志上发表研究论文150余篇。



(1) 在家蚕中,基于家蚕已经构建好的遗传操作平台,开展家蚕性别调控研究,构建家蚕性别特异致死与不育系统;开展家蚕抗病毒研究,构建复合抗病毒家蚕;开展MicroRNA及昆虫发育相关基因的功能研究,阐明昆虫发育调控的关键分子机制;

(2) 以美国白蛾、亚洲玉米螟、斜纹夜蛾和草地贪夜蛾为鳞翅目害虫害虫代表,构建遗传操作平台,开展遗传调控研究,为害虫种群遗传调控的研究和发展奠定理论和实验基础;

(3) 以资源昆虫黑水虻为对象,基于CRISPR/Cas9系统的基因组编辑技术,构建黑水虻遗传操作平台,进行功能基因组学研究;基于宏基因组学,开展黑水虻与肠道微生物相互作用的机理研究;开展黑水虻脂肪合成及代谢机理研究,解析黑水虻脂肪酸代谢调控网络。提升黑水虻转化有机废弃物的效率。


博士后: 刘晓静,魏柯,王耀辉


构建与完善了家蚕性别决定通路。克隆家蚕性别决定sxl tra2 dsx fru ovo out piwi psi imp 等相关基因。并且利用基因组编辑和转基因方法研究了它们在家蚕性别决定中的作用,为家蚕性别决定通路相关基因的功能研究提供了遗传学和表型证据,也为深入阐明昆虫的性别决定和调控机制提供了进一步的理论依据(PLoS Genet, 2017; PNAS, 2018)。成果详细介绍:
  http://www. sippe. ac. cn/kyjz/kyjz2017/201702/t20170216_5172788. html
  http://www. sippe. ac. cn/kyjz/kyjz2018/201808/t20180814_5208440. html

针对家蚕核多角体病毒BmNPV,在家蚕体内构建了靶向BmNPV基因组DNA的抗病毒系统。基于转基因和CRISPR/Cas9技术的抗病毒策略使家蚕获得了可稳定遗传的清除病毒的能力,有望在蚕业生产上发挥积极作用(J Virol2017)。成果介绍:
  http://www. sippe. ac. cn/kyjz/kyjz2017/201702/t20170216_5172649. html

  http://www. sippe. ac. cn/kyjz/kyjz2019/201901/t20190111_5228096. html

整合基因组、转录组、宏基因组等多组学手段揭示了黑水虻独特生物学特性的遗传基础,并通过基因编辑等手段实现了黑水虻品系的初步改良(Cell Research2020)。成果介绍:
  http://www. sippe. ac. cn/kyjz/kyjz2019/201912/t20191213_5453626. html


1.    Xu J, Liu W, Yang DH, Chen SQ, Chen K, Liu ZL, Yang X, Meng J, Zhu GH, Dong SL, Zhang Y, Zhan S, Wang GR, and Huang YP2020Regulation of olfactory-based sex behaviors in the silkworm by genes in the sex-determination cascade. PLoS Genet. (in printing).

2.    Liu ZL, Xu J, Lin L, Luo XY, Yang DH, Yang X, Zhang XQ, Huang YP2020miR-34 regulates larval growth and wing morphogenesis by directly modulating ecdysone signaling and cuticle protein in Bombyx mori. RNA Biol. 1-10.

3.    Zhan S, Fang GQ, Cai MM, Kou ZQ, Xu J, Cao YH, Bai L, Zhang YX, Jiang YM, Luo XY, Xu J, Xu X, Zheng LY, Yu ZN, Yang H, Zhang ZJ, Wang SB, Tomberlin JK, Zhang JB, Huang YP2019Genomic landscape and genetic manipulation of the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens, a natural waste recycler. Cell Res. 30(1):50-60.

4.    Xu X, Wang YH, Bi HL, Xu J, Liu ZL, Niu CY, He L, James AA, Li K, Huang YP2019Mutation of the seminal protease gene, serine protease 2, results in male sterility in diverse lepidopterans. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 116:103243.

5.    Xu X, Bi HL, Wang Y, Li X, Xu J, Liu Z, He L, Li K, Huang YP2019Disruption of the ovarian serine protease (Osp) gene causes female sterility in Bombyx mori and Spodoptera litura. Pest Manag Sci. 76(4):1245-125.

6.    Xu J, Xu X, Zhan S, Huang YP2019Genome editing in insects: current status and challenges. Natl Sci Rev. 6(3):399-401.

7.    Wu NN, Zhang SF, Li XW, Cao YH, Liu XJ, Wang Q,H Liu Q, Liu HG, Hu X, Zhou XJ, James AA, Zhang Z, Huang YP, Zhan S2019Fall webworm genomes yield insights into rapid adaptation of invasive species. Nat Ecol Evol. 3(1):105-115.

8.    Wang YH, Gao BL, Zhang GJ, Qi XW, Cao S, Akami M, Huang YP, Niu CY.2019 Mutation of Bdpaired induces embryo lethality in the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. Pest Manag Sci. 76(3):944-951.

9.    Wang YH, Chen XE, Liu ZL, Xu J, Li XW, Bi HL, Andongma AA, Niu CY, Huang YP2019Mutation of doublesex induces sex-specific sterility of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 3:103180.

10.    Li XW, Liu Q, Liu HH, Bi HL, Wang YH, Chen XE, Wu NN, Xu J, Zhang Z, Huang YP, Chen H2019Mutation of doublesex in Hyphantria cunea results in sex-specific sterility. Pest Manag Sci. 76(5):1673-1682.

11.    Chen K, Chen SQ, Xu J, Yu Y, Liu ZL, Tan AJ, Huang YP2019Maelstrom regulates spermatogenesis of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 109:43-51.

12.    Chen XE, Cao YH, Zhan S, Tan AJ, Palli SR, Huang YP2019Disruption of sex-specific doublesex exons results in male- and female-specific defects in the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon. Pest Manag Sci. 75(6):1697-1706.

13.    Xu J, Yu Y, Chen K, Huang YP2019Intersex regulates female external genital and imaginal disc development in the silkworm. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 108:1-8.

14.    Chen XE, Cao YH, Zhan S, Zhang Y, Tan AJ, Huang YP2018Identification of yellow gene family in Agrotis ipsilon and functional analysis of Aiyellow-y by CRISPR/Cas9. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 94:1-9.

15.    Zhang ZJ, Niu LB, Ji DF, Li MW, Li K, James AA, Tan AJ, and Huang YP2018Silkworm genetic sexing through W chromosome-linked, targeted gene integration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 115(35):8752-8756.

16.    Li ZQ, You L, Yan D, James AA, Huang YP, Tan AJ2018Bombyx mori histone methyltransferase BmAsh2 is essential for silkworm piRNA mediated sex determination. PLoS Genet. 14(2): e1007245.

17.    Zeng BS, Huang YPXu JShiotsuki TBai H, Palli SR, Huang YP, Tan AJ2017The FOXO transcription factor controls insect growth and development by regulating juvenile hormone degradation in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J Biol Chem. 292(28) :11659-11669.

18.    Zhang ZJ, Liu XJ, Shiotsuki T, Wang ZS, Xu X, Huang YP, Li MW, Li K, Tan AJ2017Depletion of juvenile hormone esterase extends larval growth in Bombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 81:72-79.

19.    Xu J, Zhan S, Chen SQ, Zeng BS, Li ZQ, James AA, Tan AJ, Huang YP2017Sexually dimorphic traits in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, are regulated by doublesex. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 80:42-51.

20.    Xu J, Chen SQ, Zeng BS, James AA, Tan AJ, Huang YP2017Bombyx mori P-element Somatic Inhibitor (BmPSI) Is a Key Auxiliary Factor for Silkworm Male Sex Determination. PLoS Genet. 13(1): e1006576.

21.    Chen SQ, Hou CX, Bi HL, Wang YQ, Xu J, Li MW, James AA, Huang YP, Tan AJ2017Transgenic Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat/Cas9-Mediated Viral Gene Targeting for Antiviral Therapy of Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus. J Virol. 91(8):e02465-16.

22.    Liu Q, Liu W, Zeng BS, Wang GR, Hao DJ, Huang YP2017Deletion of the Bombyx mori odorant receptor co-receptor (BmOrco) impairs olfactory sensitivity in silkworms. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 86:58-67.