
李圆圆 副研究员(藜麦生物学与育种研究组)



藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)是一年生苋科藜属双子叶草本作物,也是天然盐生植物,在南美安第斯山区域有5000-7000年的种植食用历史。由于历史原因,藜麦是一种未被完全驯化、完全利用的粮食作物。最近因其独特的全营养及极强的耐逆(旱、盐、低温)特性,被誉为超级作物,联合国大会更是将2013年设为国际藜麦年,预期藜麦可在消除饥饿、营养不良和贫困活动中发挥重要作用。


1. 藜麦高产与广适育种

2. 藜麦重要农艺性状的基因解析



Heng Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Jian-Kang Zhu (2018) Developing naturally stress-resistant crops for a sustainable agriculture. Nature Plants, 4: 989-996.

Yuanyuan Li, David Heckmann, Martin J Lercher, Veronica G Maurino (2016) Combining genetic and evolutionary engineering to establish C4 metabolism in C3 plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (2): 117-125. 

Jiajia Xu, Andrea Br?utigam, Yuanyuan Li, Andreas P. M. Weber, Xin-Guang Zhu (2016) Systems analysis of cis-regulatory motifs in C4 photosynthesis genes using maize and rice leaf transcriptomics data during a process of de-etiolation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(17): 5105–5117. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw461

Yuanyuan Li (corresponding author), Xiuling Ma, Jialei Zhao, Jiajia Xu, Junfeng Shi, Xin-Guang Zhu, Yanxiu Zhao, Hui Zhang (2015) Developmental genetic mechanisms of C4 syndrome based on transcriptome analysis of C3 cotyledons and C4 assimilating shoots in Haloxylon ammodendron. PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0117175

Yuanyuan Li, Jiajia Xu, Noor UI Haq, Hui Zhang, Xin-Guang Zhu (2014) Was low CO2 a driving force of C4 evolution: Arabidopsis responses to long-term low CO2 stress. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(13): 3657-3667

Ghazanfar Abbas Khan, Samir Bouraine, Yuanyuan Li, Matthieu de Carbonnel, Pierre Berthomieu, Yves Poirier and Hatem Rouached (2014) Coordination between zinc and phosphate homeostasis involves the transcription factor PHR1, the phosphate exporter PHO1 and its homologue PHO1;H3 in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(3): 871-884

Jiajia Xu*, Yuanyuan Li*, Xiuling Ma, Jianfeng Ding, Kai Wang, Sisi Wang, Ye Tian, Hui Zhang, Xin-Guang Zhu (2013) Whole transcriptome analysis using next-generation sequencing of model species Setaira viridis to support C4 photosynthesis research. Plant Molecular Biology, 83(1-2): 77-87 (*co-first author)

Li Yuan-Yuan, Zhang Hui, Zhu Xin-Guang (2011). C4 rice: are we ready for the  challenge? A historical perspective. Plant Physiology Journal (ISSN 2095-1108), 47(12): 1127-1136

Fan Lai, Jennifer Thacker, Yuanyuan Li and Peter Doerner (2007) Cell division activity determines the magnitude of phosphate starvation responses in Arabidopsis The Plant Journal, 50(3): 545-556

Zhang Qiu-Fang, Li Yuan-Yuan, Pang Cai-Hong, Lu Cong-Ming and Wang Bao-Shan (2005) NaCl enhances thylakoid-bound SOD activity in the leaves of C3 halophyte Suaeda salsa L. Plant Science, 168(2): 423-430.